Robert Lloyd Wheelock wrote:

> >To: "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Information about curly-tailed phonetic letters
> >Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 01:33:05 -0800 (GMT-0800)
> >
> >The curly-tail consonants t, d, n, l, c, z are also included in the
> >TeX IPA (tipa fonts). The documentation of those fonts is available
> >on
> >
> >
> >
> >--J"org Knappen
> >
> >
> Hello!
> Most IPA fonts include these lowercase right-tailed retroflex letters:  t, 
> d, z, c, j, l, n, r; 

Richard Cook is not talking about the retroflex characters, i.e.,
t-retroflex-hook (0288), d-retroflex-hook (0256), z-retroflex-hook (0290), etc.

He is talking about the alveolo-palatal laminals, i.e.,
c-curly-tail (0255), z-curly-tail (0291), etc.

Some of these were included in Unicode, but not all were -- which is
the point of Cook's proposal to add them.


> however, SIL's *Encore* Series Fonts (currently in 
> version 3.0) also has the highercase versions of those 8 + curly-tailed s, 
> esh, ezh in both higher- & lowercase.  I'd use a curly-tailed <s> to pair up 
> with curly-tailed <z> for the retroflex sibilants—that'll save the 
> curly-tailed <c> to pair with curly-tailed <j> for your retroflex laminal 
> affricates—only if you don't want to use a diacritic accent (like an 
> underring) to represent retroflexion.  Thank You!
> Robert Lloyd Wheelock

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