On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 07:53:51PM +0100, Michael Everson wrote:
> The Roadmaps to Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 have been maintained by the 
> ad-hoc committee on the Roadmap, which consists of Michael Everson, 
> Rick McGowan, and Ken Whistler. They were hosted on Michael Everson's 
> site, and this caused difficulties for WG2 in referencing them. The 
> Unicode Consortium has offered to host the Roadmap documents as 
> official Unicode documents, acknowledging their usefulness and 
> stability. This should allow WG2 to reference them by the new URL 
> (http://www.unicode.org/roadmaps).

I think the problems fro WG2 to refernce Unicode web pages are the
same as referencing Michael eversons web site. If the roadmaps are
planning for the ISO standard, they should reside on the ISO web.

Kind regards
Keld Simonsen

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