> 1. I have a Geocities page now. I do not know what encoding Geocities
> but I think it's unicode. What I did for the Japanese text on it was not
> think about encodings and just type it in with Microsoft's IME (and do
> some
> swearing at the IME at the process). And it comes out fine, for the most
> part. Why does this work? What encoding does it use?

Your browser (which one?) just does a good job of detecting the encoding
used for your page http://www.geocities.com/elevendigitboy/. For instance,
if I view itr with IE after unselecting the Autoselect item of the
View>Encoding menu, I get garbage as expected. Otherwise, IE does recognize

Sailing is harder than flying. It's amazing that man learned how to sail
first. -- Burt Rutan..

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