kefas wrote:
Inserting unicode/basic-hebrew reults in a convinient RtL, right-to-left, advance of the cursor, but the space-character jumps to the far right. Is there a RtL-space?
In MS-Word and OpenOffice I can only change whole paragraphs to RtL-entry. But quoting just a few words in hebrew WITHIN a paragraph would be helpful to many.
Related: The other Hebrew characters in the alphabetic presentation forms insert themselves in LtR-fashion? Why this difference?
I read about Logical and Visual entry, but don't see how that answers my 2 questions above.

If you're going to quote an rtl phrase in an ltr context, you want to use an embedding. In plaintext, this would mean putting an RLE (U+202B) character before the phrase and a PDF (U+202C)after it. (In HTML, you'd enclose the text in an element and set its 'dir' attribute to 'rtl'.)

I don't know how to access those characters from the
word processor menus, though.



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