On 7/28/2010 2:02 AM, Kent Karlsson wrote:

Den 2010-07-28 09.50, skrev "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi>:

André Szabolcs Szelp wrote:

Generally, for the decimal point . (U+002E FULLSTOP) and , (U+002C
COMMA) is used in the SI world. However, earlier conventions could use
different notation, such as the common British raised dot which
centers with the lining digits (i.e. that would be U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT).
The different dot-like characters are quite a mess, but the case of British
raised dot is simple: it is regarded as typographic variant of FULL STOP.

Ref.: http://unicode.org/uni2book/ch06.pdf (second page, paragraph with
run-in heading "Typographic variation").

And the Nameslist says:
    = period, dot, decimal point
    * may be rendered as a raised decimal point in old style numbers

However, I think that is a bad idea: firstly the digits here aren't
necessarily "old style" (indeed, André wrote "lining", i.e. NOT
old style). And even if they are old style, it seems to me to be a
bad idea to make this a contextual rendering change for FULL STOP
(and it also says "may" not "shall" so there is no way of knowing
which rendering you should get even with old style digits).
Better stay with the MIDDLE DOT for the raised decimal dot.
The real problem I have with this annotation is that it recommends a practice that I strongly suspect has never been implemented in the entire 20 years since it's been on the books. (If anyone knows of an implementation that has contextual rendering of FULL STOP, I'd like to learn about it here.)

If a particular text uses both raised periods and raised decimal points, then I see use in being able to use 002E for this and make it change by using a font with a different glyph. But if it applies only to the decimal point, overloading 002E would require a degree of context analysis that I believe is unimplemented (see above). If my suspicion is true, then, at the minimum, the annotation should be reworded so that it doesn't seem to imply a practice that doesn't exist.
Further, I don't see any major problem with using U+02D9 DOT ABOVE
for "high dot" in this case.
Me neither - if it's positioned right, then it should be used. Duplicating "dots" by function is definitely a no-no. However, unfiying punctuation characters with definite differences in appearance only works well if these differences are systematically applied with a type-style (font) selection and then apply to the entire text in each font. Such as the use of a double oblique glyph for HYPHEN (and HYPHEN-MINUS) in Fraktur fonts.


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