>  The status of these 5 characters is already in the best fit mappings
document pointed to by the IANA registry entry for windows-1252, which is
strong as I’m willing to go for them.

I don't understand the relation between bestfit1252 and cp1252. Could you
clarify it for me?
If I read the mapping file right, bestfit1252 declares a definition of
cp1252, so it would make sense (to me) if the corresponding parts of the
two files matched.
As far as I can see, the w3c-cp1252 corresponds to bestfit1252.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Shawn Steele <shawn.ste...@microsoft.com>wrote:

>  I’ll be more definitive than Murray J  Our legacy code pages aren’t
> going to change.  We won’t add more characters to 1252.  We won’t add new
> code pages.  We aren’t going change names (since that’ll break anyone
> already using them), we probably won’t recognize new names (since anyone
> trying to use a new name wouldn’t work on millions of existing computers,
> so no one would add it). ****
> ** **
> The churn is too painful for customers.  If there’s a new character that
> everyone “must” use, we’ll point them at UTF-8 or UTF-16.  Any request to
> change codepage behavior would have to meet a very high bar.****
> ** **
> The status of these 5 characters is already in the best fit mappings
> document pointed to by the IANA registry entry for windows-1252, which is
> strong as I’m willing to go for them.****
> ** **
> The last thing I did WRT to code page standards was to ask for the best
> fit mappings to be posted so that the IANA charset registry would have
> something to reference to clarify the existing names.  It’s possible (if I
> find the time) that a few of the IANA charset entries could be updated to
> emphasize that some common names have differing implementations by
> different vendors/OS’s such as was done for shift_jis
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/shift_jis or the updates to
> point out the best fit mapping for 1252 at
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/windows-1252  In other words,
> the trend is to clarify that there are variations in behavior, and to
> please use Unicode.****
> ** **
> Also see:****
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnste/archive/2007/09/24/are-we-going-to-update-or-maintain-the-best-fit-or-code-page-mappings.aspx
> ****
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnste/archive/2008/01/17/code-pages-and-security-issues.aspx
> ****
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnste/archive/2007/03/20/some-reasons-to-make-your-application-unicode.aspx
> ****
> ** **
> (and
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnste/archive/2012/06/16/building-the-lego-disney-wonder.aspxjust
>  because I think it’s cool)
> ****
> ** **
> I can see why HTML5 might think windows-1252 support is a good idea, but
> personally I’d’ve been happier if it wasn’t a requirement.  Too much code
> page corruption happens on the web, and most of the badly-tagged content
> probably misdeclares itself as 1252.  UTF-8 is a WAY better choice,
> particularly for the characters in the set supported by windows-1252.****
> ** **
> -Shawn****
> ( )****
> ** **
> SSDE,****
> Microsoft****
> ** **
> *From:* unicode-bou...@unicode.org [mailto:unicode-bou...@unicode.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Murray Sargent
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 20, 2012 8:55 PM
> *To:* verd...@wanadoo.fr; Doug Ewell
> *Cc:* Unicode Mailing List; Buck Golemon
> *Subject:* RE: cp1252 decoder implementation****
> ** **
> Phillipe commented: “(even if later Microsoft decides to map some other
> characters in its own "windows-1252" charset, like it did several times and
> notably when the Euro symbol was mapped)”.****
> ** **
> Personal opinion, but I’d be very surprised if Microsoft ever changed the
> 1252 charset. The euro was added back in 1999 when code pages were still
> used a lot. Code pages in general are pretty much irrelevant today except
> for reading legacy documents. They are virtually never used internally in
> modern software. UTF-8,UTF-16, and UTF-32 are what are used these days.***
> *
> ** **
> (But code pages do have the advantage that they are associated with
> specific character repertoires, which amounts to a great hint for font
> binding…)****
> ** **
> Murray****

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