Le 22/01/2013 01:11, Andrés Sanhueza a écrit :
I have wondered if it may be a good idea to make a proposal to an "spiral" character,
You might be interested by this 2011 thread on the mailing list, which was about the way do encode symbols : http://www.unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/y2011-m11/0061.html . The thread was fairly complete.

basically because I believe is the only mayor symbol recurrently used for represent "swearing" in comics that's missing from Unicode. Most of the time it is replaced with the more common at (@), but still an actual one may be good. Not sure yet if there's enough documentation. Some Emoji representations displays the CYCLONE character (U+1F300) as one, yet I don't think that fits as a better replacement.

These kind of symbols are apparently called grawlixes in (see http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/grawlix and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lexicon_of_Comicana ) and obscenicons (see http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3135 and http://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2011/03/grawlix.html ).

You have a nice discussion with samples here http://www.statoids.com/comicana/grawlist.html (which contains implicit argument for plain text.) If you look at the sample, and to some google search, you'll find that many obsenicons are encoded @#!?☠$⚹★☆💥⛤ but not all.

Among the most common ones, the spiral, the saturn-like planet, the empty asterisk are missing. They are included in some comics fonts, like MarkerMan. (http://www.haroldsfonts.com/marker.html , coded as {|}~) and Potty Mouth ( http://www.blambot.com/font_pottymouth.shtml ).

I think (at least) these three symbols could be encoded, if someone takes the time to write a proper proposal.

By the way, there was a brief discussion in 2010 about others comics specific characters (breath marks and crossbar I) http://www.unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/y2010-m12/0025.html , also mentioned here http://www.blambot.com/grammar.shtml and here http://www.balloontales.com/tips/characters/index.html and here http://kleinletters.com/Blog/?p=8179.


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