Le 2 juil. 2013 13:11, "Jameson Quinn" <jameson.qu...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> 2013/7/2, Szelp, A. Sz. <a.sz.sz...@gmail.com>:
> > The question is, whether the two versions (horizontal and vertical) are
> > warranted for or not.
> > With my limited knowledge of the matter, I would believe only one set
to be
> > encodable, the other being free / stylistic variation.
> I have examples of printed pages using both forms on the same page
> non-interchangably, if that helps.
There are some examples in ancient writing systems too (and not only in
Maya) where both forms are used in different circumstances. Of course, it
is difficult to precisely define the rich text / plain text borders in
ancient scripts...


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