On 2014/04/02 20:08, Christopher Fynn wrote:
On 02/04/2014, Asmus Freytag <asm...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
On 4/2/2014 1:42 AM, Christopher Fynn wrote:
Rather than Emoji it might be better if people learnt Han ideographs
which are also compact (and  a far more developed system of
communication than emoji). One  CJK character can also easily replace
dozens of Latin characters - which is what is being claimed for emoji.

One wonders why the Japanese, who already know Han ideographs, took to
emoji as they did....

Perhaps because emoji are a sort of playful version of  a means of
communication they are already used to

Yes. Already used to the concept that a character can represent (more or less) a concept. Already used to the concept that there are lots of characters, and a few more won't make such a difference. Already used to the concept that character entry means keying a word or phrase and the selecting what you actually want.

But I think the main reason for their spread was that the mobile phone companies introduced them and young people found them cute.

In a followup, Line (http://line.me/en/), the most popular Japanese mobile message app (similar to WhatsApp) got popular mostly because of their gorgeous collection of 'stickers' (over 10,000), fortunately after realizing that the technically correct way to deal with them was not squeezing them into the PUA, but treating them as inline images, avoiding headaches down the line for the Unicode Consortium :-).

Regards,   Martin.
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