Le 10/06/2014 15:33, Leonardo Boiko a écrit :
What about using U+0331 "combining macron below" or U+0320 "combining minus below"?
That would more similar to the underline hack discussed briefly here :

But I think it’s the wrong character : typewriters had the underscore (_) charcater, which was used to underline, and which was sometimes used as a "combining macron below". But this was not the one chosen in the 1940’s to create the quasiquote, but the hyphen. Using U+0335 COMBINING SHORT STROKE OVERLAY seems to closer to the original.

The various posts linked in that thread tell "̵ these quasiquotaion marks were practical but everyone says '̵They are difficult to use with modern word processors !'̵ "̵

Given the fact that it is possible to reproduce them with U+0335 COMBINING SHORT STROKE OVERLAY, what is the practice about encoding them as a new character ? Would the case (given enough usage proof) be similar to the encoding of ɏ U+024F LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH STROKE, which, I guess, has probably a similar origin in overstruck typewriter’s characters ? Or the fact that the stroke doesn’t touch the quotes makes the situation closer to non-existing precomposed latin character + diacritic combinations (http://www.unicode.org/faq/char_combmark.html#13) , and a specific symbol would be against NFC stability and un-encodeable ?
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