On 3/27/2017 1:39 PM, Philippe Verdy wrote:
Note also that ISO3166-2 is far from being stable, and this could contradict Unicode encoding stability: it would then be required to ensure this stability by only allowing sequences that are effectively registered in http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/5.0/emoji-sequences.txt (independantly of the registration ins ISO3166-2), and nothing is said if ever ISO3166-2 obsoletes some codes and then some years later decide to reassign these codes to new entities: it should not be possible to do the same thing in Emoji sequences, and specific assignments will need to be made in the Unicode database.

These emoji tag sequences don't derive their stability from ISO 3166-2.

The emoji tag sequences depend on: CLDR Unicode Locale Identifiers, and more specifically, for these subregions, on the unicode_subdivision_id:


And the data for that is here:


The stability for such tags is baked into the CLDR repository, as I understand it.

By the way, if anybody is looking, Pomerania is there: "plpm" among the 4925 other valid unicode_subdivision_id values. So:

Flag of Pomerania = 1F3F4 E0070 E006C E0070 E006D E007F

But alas, that is not a *valid* emoji tag sequence (yet), so no soup for you!


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