So it's up to the UTC to create this encoding: this new relase is a start
for a new vexillology registry (within encoded sequences) which creates a
new standard for them.

2017-03-27 23:50 GMT+02:00 Doug Ewell <>:

> Philippe Verdy wrote:
> > We still lack an encoding standard for vexillologists. And for now
> > only "Flags of the World" proposes some encoding (not based strictly
> > and only on ISO3166). I think that the UTC should try contacting
> > authors of Flags of the World and seek for advice there: we are
> > speaking here about regional flags (we can exclude some graphical
> > variants such as civil vs. navy flags vs honorific flags)
> As Philippe knows, because he and I had this discussion in 2012 and
> again in 2013:
> - I have already contacted FOTW.
> - They have no such encoding, except 3166-1 for countries and the 2-by-3
>   information code, and they have never proposed one.
> - I think such a standard would be a great idea, but
> - I don't think this is any of UTC's business and I'll bet they agree.
> --
> Doug Ewell | Thornton, CO, US |

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