On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 21:52:46 +0000, Richard Wordingham wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 03:22:37 +0800
> Phake Nick via Unicode  wrote:
> > >I found the Windows 'US International' keyboard layout highly
> > >intuitive for accented Latin-1 characters. 
> > How common is the US International keyboard in real life..?
> I thought it was two copies per new Windows PC - one for 32- and the
> other for 64-bit code. I was talking about the *layout*. […]

The US-Intl is so weird “you canʼt just leave it on all the time” as reported 


Now that CLDR is sorting out how to improve keyboard layouts, hopefully 
something falls off to replace the *legacy* US-Intl. 
As of how common the new one will become, I guess it depends on whether 
it gets less weird than the old one, and to what extent.



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