On 9/12/2019 5:53 AM, Christoph Päper via Unicode wrote:
ISHY/SIHY is especially useful for encoding (German) noun compounds in wrapped titles, e.g. on product labeling, where hyphens are often suppressed for stylistic reasons, e.g. orthographically correct _Spargelsuppe_, _Spargel-Suppe_ (U+002D) or _Spargel‐Suppe_ (U+2010) may be rendered as _Spargel␤Suppe_ and could then be encoded as _Spargel<ISHY>Suppe_.

Can you provide examples where this happens in text that is not fixed layout, that is, a product website, rather than a product label? For fixed layout, you cannot, in principle, know that there wasn't a regular space used (or two separate text boxes, or any other means to get the effect).


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