Hello to all!
After Brian's message about already implemented SSL support in Unicon I have tried to build it for MS Windows.
I have got current unicon's sources from repository and used mingw with gcc version 5.3 and openssl libraries from https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32.
To build sucessfully I had to edit two config files at config\win32\gcc\ directory:
1) libdefine.h : add line #define WANT_SSL 1
2) makedefs.top : add include path to openssl *.h files to ISFLAG variable.
and copy SSL libraries libcrypto.a and libssl.a to lib folder of mingw.
Build completed successfully and now I can see SSL in unicon's features:

secure sockets layer encryption
CCompiler MinGW gcc 5.3.0

However when I try to open existing https resource from unicon program it fails. For example, the program

procedure main()
url := "https://sourceforge.net/p/unicon/discussion/"
web := open(url, "m") | stop("Can't open " || url)
while s := read(web) do write(s)

prints "Can't open https://sourceforge.net/p/unicon/discussion/".

But if I use unicon's build without SSL the url is opened but looks like as empty.

What's the reason of such behaviour? I don't understand.


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