To entice some involvement, hint, hint, wink, wink, I've put up a semi 
reasonable looking index page for Unicon networking demos at 

Two simple forms so far; the aforementioned CGI form, and a new AJAX front end. 
 Both use the same server side Unicon executable (link cgi), but the AJAX form 
jumps a few years and puts Unicon boasting firmly in the early third millennium 
and not looking like a mid 1990s web utility.  (Although, these pages still 
"look" like 1995, the AJAX sample shows off technology from a decade later).   

There is a request for more contributions at 

If you have something, anything really, that boasts Unicon networking, drop a 
note on that thread, or respond here to start the wheels in motion for getting 
the Unicon sources compiled on the SourceForge servers and putting a link into 
the index page mentioned at the top of this note.

These first two have pretty much proven themselves now, and the next cut will 
include some CSS to make the phase 2 CGI pages look more 2005ish, (unless 
someone else wants to step up and design some outputs that put Unicon in a 2020 
light).  Hint hint wink wink.

Have good, make demos,
Unicon-group mailing list

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