On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 12:09:43AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The best way to be listened to by a politician is to vote, am I
> right on that?

I heard the following from an environmental lobbyist, who said she had
once expressed frustration to the chief aid of an elected official at
how the said elected official could vote one way when it was clear
that a majority of his constituents felt the other way. The chief aid
responded something like this:

    My boss isn't dumb. He knows that most people don't vote, and
    those who do don't vote in an informed way. Following the will of
    the people on most matters won't get him re-elected. But he also
    knows that a few wealthy individuals and companies provide many of
    the donations that enable him to run his campaign, and that that
    money can help him get re-elected better than anything else. Of
    course he's not going to follow the will of the people.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <http://www.purple.com/jeff/>

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