On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:04:08AM -0400, Al Krigman wrote:
>   [36 lines, 308 words, 1821 characters]  Top characters: etnioash
> In a message dated 6/2/03 7:12:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> > Does anyone have a reference for someone who can rebuild the dentils
> > and other detail on Victorian houses? I have a bay with some rotten
> > dentils and another with some rotten metal work. Not a lot of work,
> > but special enough.
> > 
> Dentils: You might consider taking the existing wood dentils down
> completely -- if they're beginning to decay, fixing part may not
> preclude further degeneration later. Lowe's has a good selection of
> expanded foam mouldings, including several sizes of dentil crown
> mouldings, that you can use to replace what you have. I dare anyone
> with less than a PhD in architectural restoration to tell the
> difference between these elements and the "real thing."
> Metal work: If the rotting isn't too extensive, you might try the
> solution we've used with success. Bondo. The stuff Pep Boys (et all)
> sell for repairing car bodies. Once it hardens -- typically half an
> hour since it's a two-component epoxy product, it's easily sanded
> and -- when painted -- blends in perfectly with the metal (as you'd
> expect given its use for auto body work). Depending on what you have
> to "fill," you might have to use this in conjunction with some kind
> of structural support medium -- we've used wire lath, fiberglass
> cloth, and -- when there's "nothing" behind the metal, a
> foam-in-place product such as "Great Stuff;" with the foam, let it
> harden (it'll expand inside and outside the area), then trim off the
> excess with a margin of about 1/4 inch "inside" -- it can be very
> rough -- then apply the Bondo.

Good suggestions, thanks.

Of course, I still need someone to do the work. It's more time on a
ladder than I want to do.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <http://www.purple.com/jeff/>
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