Beautiful! Let me compliment you on your gracious and nonviolent response to the drunken brute who had the infernal rind to block up your driveway. Personally, in your situation, and possessing the large volume of artillery which you are known to keep in your living room, I would have simply blown them away, both them and their stupid automobile.
To all those suffering from winter parking rage, let me reiterate gloatingly, as I so often have, seemingly without effect, that infernal combustion engines are the work of the devil. My standard and truly callous advice is to "get a horse".
Also, let me recommend, if you have not already read it, Calvin Trillin's brilliant little gem about parking in the Big Apple titled "Tepper Isn't Going Out".
In a message dated 1/30/2005 10:07:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

about two years ago, i left my house early one morning to pick up my mother at the airport and found that there was a car surgically parked between two others blocking my car into my driveway. my first thought was to smash their windshield with a hammer, but then i marveled at the parking job -- you couldn't have fit a pizza box between the front or back bumper of that car and the cars parked on either side of my driveway. "wow!" i thought, "that's the best parking job i've ever seen." it tempered my thoughts and i wrote them a nice note explaining my frustration at having to take a taxi to pick up my mother, but complimenting them on the most precise job of paralell parking i'd ever seen.

when i got home from the airport about two hours later, the offending car was gone and there was a pabst blue ribbon beer sitting on the hood of my car with a blue bow and a note which said (something to the effect of):

Dear Sir,
 I was horrified to discover that I had blocked your driveway. I never would have done it intentionally, but I was very drunk when I parked the car.


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