Title: Re: [UC] Re: Parking rage - Theft of One's Labour
Nor do I.

No one said it should be forever!

On 1/31/05 3:21 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 1/31/2005 2:23:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
if one  puts forth the elbow grease and sweat
during extraordinary circumstances,  people who did not do the work should
respect that
I see very little difference between these cowardly thieves and armed robbers. Stealing the fruits of some's labor is reprehensible, no matter the weather.
There are a lot of people out there who seem to believe they are anointed: what is yours is mine.
Talking about screwing the little guy, here is another piece on Donald the Shyster:

Posted on Mon, Jan. 31, 2005  
Howard Gensler | Firm suing Trump over wedding chandeliers  

FINALLY, SOME good dirt on the Donald  Trump Melania Knauss wedding. According to the Palm Beach Post, the  man who supplied three fancy chandeliers for Trump's opulent Mar-a-Lago  ballroom says he's going to sue Trump because he's not been  paid. (By the way, since wife No. 2 Marla  Maples has now been officially replaced, shouldn't Donald rename the  property Mel-a-Lago?) Anyway, unlike all the suck-up snookered  vendors who thought they were doing the Starr Jones wedding and  gave Mr. Billionaire free food, transportation, jewelry and clothes,  Nicolas Jacobsen of Classic Chandeliers expected to be paid for his  merchandise. (C'mon, man, the Donald didn't get rich  actually paying for stuff.) "When Mr. Trump came to buy the things, he  didn't want to pay the sales taxes," Jacobsen told the Post. "But I  wouldn't let him take them unless he did." (Taxes? Wealthy developers don't even know  what taxes are. Trump was expecting an abatement.) Within hours a Trump courier (probably some  "Apprentice" contestant) returned with a check for $16,998, as a  deposit. Jacobsen then had the large chandelier  installed in the ballroom entrance and the two smaller ones went up in the  bathrooms. Yup. "I went to Mar-a-Lago several times with  copies of the invoices, and they keep saying they'll take care of it,"  Jacobsen said. Yeah, pal, on their own time. "How dare him hassling us over this," said a  Trump mouthpiece in New York. "We're not running out of money. He'll get  paid. The norm up here is three months for payment. Isn't that how it is  in Florida?" If only the story ended there. No, after this tale appeared in the Palm  Beach Post, newlywed Trump called the reporter to vent. "You want a story?" Trump yelled. "I'll give  you a story. This guy [Jacobsen] did a terrible, terrible job. He was late  with the chandeliers. He didn't have the proper equipment to install them.  His bills were too high. He had to use my people to install them. We're  going to end up in court because he's just trying to get free publicity.  I'm not going to pay him what I owe him. That's it. I'm not  paying." (Ballroom: $7.5 million. Unpaid chandelier  bill: $17,000.) Jacobsen said he had done a fine  job. "Mr. Trump wants to belittle me," he said.  "That's his style. He is 58. When is he going to grow up? I will collect,  one way or another."
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