That and health of community issues you have been citing; responsibility issues 
and questions, fairness concerns, etc.
though I find that behind your back and when not feeling they are in 
competition, profound critics often agree but joust and fight for personal 
positions, not seeking agreements as much as victories.  Could both aggressive 
dismissing and coalescing be in our genes?

On Mar 27, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Glenn moyer wrote:

> From the Guardian:
> "One very common tactic for enforcing political orthodoxies is to malign the 
> character, "style" and even mental health of those who challenge them. The 
> most extreme version of this was an old Soviet favorite: to declare political 
> dissidents mentally ill and put them in hospitals..."
> "...But what is at play here is this destructive dynamic that the more one 
> dissents from political orthodoxies, the more personalized, style-focused and 
> substance-free the attacks become. That's because once someone becomes 
> sufficiently critical of establishment pieties, the goal is not merely to 
> dispute their claims but to silence them. That's accomplished by demonizing 
> the person on personality and style grounds to the point where huge numbers 
> of people decide that nothing they say should even be considered, let alone 
> accepted. It's a sorry and anti-intellectual tactic, to be sure, but a 
> brutally effective one"
> Everyday, there are important specific issues to bring to an informed 
> citizenry in the neighborhood.  So why is this Glenn Greenwald analysis the 
> most important topic for people to consider here in the upscale UCD village?  
> Why are neighbors so terrified to engage in meaningful discussion about the 
> power structures transforming the neighborhood, city , and country into an 
> inverted totalitarian corporate state???  Is it only the censorship 
> exemplified by UCneighbors, founded by the University of Pennsylvannia, which 
> causes the silence of locals?
> I remember finding it amazing that neighbors would silently watch me face 
> year's of personal attacks, while "community leaders" would never ever refute 
> the truths I brought to the public!
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