Hello, Neighbors --
A group of parents from Lea, Powel, and Penn Alexander Schools is organizing a 
visit to Councilwoman Blackwell's office as part of the Public Citizens for 
Children and Youth's School Action Day on Thur, June 12 at City Hall.  
To represent the broad spectrum of families the school budget problem impacts, 
we are keen to join forces with parents of children at other public schools in 
Councilwoman Blackwell's third district.  The visit to Councilwoman Blackwell's 
office is scheduled for 9 am.  To keep the conversation open and intimate, a 
small group -- no more than 10 parents -- will meet directly with the 
If you know of parents in third district public schools who might be interested 
in visiting Councilwoman Blackwell, would you share this message with them?  To 
prepare for our visit, interested parents should send me the grade level of 
their child(ren) and the school their child(dren) attend, along with their 
names and contact information.   
And we hope that every West Philadelphia parent will consider coming out to 
School Action Day!  Below is the schedule.  Parents are invited to join at any 
point that is convenient for them.  Everyone's participation makes a difference!
Thank you!!
Best,R. Mimi iijimasteveandm...@hotmail.com
School Action Day with Public Citizens for Children and YouthThursday, June 12 
from 9 to 12:30
8:45 am  Parents arrive at Council 4th floor  near metal detectors (entrance to 
City Hall is on NE corner)9:00  Meeting with Councilwoman Blackwell 
(pre-registration required)10-10:15 Press Conference Council 4th floor outside 
of Council chambers10:20-10:40  Make rounds and speak with other Council 
members10:50 Walk to Governor’s office (Broad and Walnut)11:00 Press Conference 
at Governor’s office12:00 Meeting with Governor's staff/deliver letter to 
Governor's office

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