If anyone else spots this pooch please update the list, offer food, and contact ACCT shelter (http://www.acctphilly.org/programs/ac/foundpet/ ).

From: Naomi Fiordimondo <naomif...@gmail.com>
Date: July 5, 2014 9:48:51 AM EDT
To: Linda Lee <lml3...@gmail.com>

Also, about 8:30am a friendly male rottweiler was walking up and down 5000 Catharine St. He had a collar and tags plus a loop thing hanging off his collar (part of a lead/leash?) and was obviously well cared for. Seemed a bit shy and would not let anyone get near him.

- Naomi

More on lost/found pets, as well as a video on how to capture a skittish dog.

http://www.missingpetpartnership.org/index.php - see Recovery Tips (both cats & dogs)

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