Every night at the same time, I bend over in front of my lap top camera, so that my spook friends can get a thrill. They say they really like to pass around the pictures of the hotties, as they protect the homeland. Tonight, I'll read them a poem too.

Since the local middle class zombies recently consumed some Shakespeare at the upscale Clark Park, I decided to share the poem for their consumption. After all, upscale "folks" don't need to understand anything to consume it-including the earth herself.

I plan to give our spy heroes a full frontal view, when I recite this product to them tonight. Isn't a neoliberal corporate world at war,  glorious and divine? 

Oh Great Heroes, I Come For You Last

Look at the fleeing terrorists, far below
Like vermin, they scatter across the land
Offering up their brood, as human shields
I dive upon them from high in the sky
I gorge my insatiable appetite upon their bones

I care not what they call their patch of dirt
Iraq, Ukraine, Syria. Oh hum, Palestine
Since the dawn of time, I circle above the tiny masses
Waiting and circling, I hunger for their eternal sleep
I am fate, the vulture, the buzzard, the Drone God
The mindless Apes call me many things. I don’t care!

Money is my love, and so too is the precious death
I am the savior of civilization, freedom and democracy
I am the great humanitarian, Lord of the terrorists
Lord of the flies; I eat the flesh of children
I soar high above the earth herself
Don’t question me! I hunger for more and more!

So as I dive down upon my prey, these terrorists
Cheer for me, like you cheer the foot ball
Cheer for me, like you cheer the dying Hero
Cheer for me, like you cheer the killer cops!
I will dine in style this night, in an upscale restaurant
And clear all the dirt of these child like terrorists
I am circling the skies of the entire earth! I am insatiable!

But what of the Good Apes? You ask-
The ones with the pretty shiny Gold
In the cleaner and safer neighborhoods
Who make over a million dollars
With the tasty bones; just like the terrorists!

Ha Ha Ha. I laugh at the Heroes
Warrior Gods, they kiss their unholy asses
To me, they are meat. Like terrorists, flies, and children
Run Gazzillionaires! Run Heroes! Run like the middle class!
Oh great heroes, I come for you last!
Along with the maggots, I will clean the earth to the last bone
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