President Obama has been disappointing to me as an African-American woman on 
several fronts, the most egregious being Arne Duncan and the Race to the Top 
Corporate Education debacle.

However, I ALSO understand how hamstrung he is on race.  His whole Presidency 
has been a vivid textbook demonstration of White racism and it's refusal to 
acknowledge leadership or direction from Black people and maintaining their 
power over Black people no matter WHO they are or What position they achieve in 

The 50 votes against the ACA, the lawsuit, not to mention carry guns to rallies 
etc., etc., etc.

I cannot say I can blame him on this Ferguson thing much for not being more 
strongly outspoken.

I just hope he lives long enough to complete his Presidency so I can read his 
and/or Michelle's book about the TRUTH on being the first Black family to live 
in the White House.  It should be a doozy!

On Aug 22, 2014, at 11:15 PM, Cindy Miller wrote:

> -Cindy 
> “ threaten existence,
>  expect resistance"
> On Aug 22, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Richard Conrad wrote:
>> Right!  “Sundown towns”   Thank you Jo Ann Fishburn!
>> …and meanwhile as Amy Goodman reported: 
>> “Just miles away from the scene of the protests in Ferguson lies the grave 
>> of Dred Scott at the Calvary Cemetery on West Florissant Avenue. Born a 
>> slave in Virginia, Dred Scott sued in a St. Louis court for his freedom. The 
>> case went to the Supreme Court, resulting in a landmark 1857 decision that 
>> African Americans were not citizens of the United States and therefore had 
>> no rights to sue in federal courts. The court described blacks as "beings of 
>> an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, 
>> either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had 
>> no rights which the white man was bound to respect." The Dred Scott Decision 
>> is considered by many to be the worst decision in the Supreme Court’s 
>> history. 
>> Richard Conrad
>> On Aug 22, 2014, at 2:46 PM, Jo Ann Fishburn <> wrote:
>>> They were called Sundown Towns, many were in the north. Loewen has written 
>>> a book about it by that name. I believe Ocean City, NJ, followed that 
>>> model, although I don't know if there were laws on the books.
>>> Jo Ann
>>> Jo Ann Fishburn
>>> Reading Specialist
>>> On Friday, August 22, 2014 1:48 AM, Richard Conrad <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> According to an MSNBC story, towns like Ferguson were called something like 
>>> ‘Daylight towns’ because after dark any blacks the police came upon could 
>>> be arrested just for being out of doors.  
>>> Curfew laws I’ve been told, even into the 50’s and early 60’s, in MANY 
>>> locations / jurisdictions - specified criteria for BOTH different 
>>> age-groups and also RACIAL categories.
>>> The story of MASSIVE numbers of Illegal detentions for fictional ‘offenses’ 
>>> to create labor forces like that of Birmingham Steel was described on PBS, 
>>> as in MANY WAYS worse than Slavery in its effects.
>>> And in our GLORIOUS Modern Times:  - OMG - The Cops to SUCH a large degree, 
>>> seem to have become BLOODY ADDICTED to corrupting the essential judicial 
>>> processes and they are in BIG-TIME denial about it!!! 
>>> Bullying, segregating, denying due processes, and executing repressive, 
>>> BIASED, and illegal detentions… oh...,  and murders - > THESE ALL MUST BE 
>>> Richard Conrad
>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Glenn moyer <> wrote:
>>>> No, i didn't read that book, but I know some of that earlier history.  
>>>> Someone said at the 52nd St. rally that the word "officer" was derived 
>>>> from overseer.
>>>> As the mission of the police state evolved during the twentieth century, 
>>>> their role extended to protect elite power and property, while squashing 
>>>> dissent.  We see this all over the world.  The East German Stasi seems to 
>>>> be the closest historic model for our "homeland security" complex, while 
>>>> the system retains all of the historical racist missions of the 
>>>> post-reconstruction "fraternity."  Institutional racism is carefully 
>>>> perpetuated in our society as tool of oppression, and to keep poor and 
>>>> working class peoples of all ethnic groups from uniting!
>>>> My message to working class whites is to understand that we must join in 
>>>> solidarity with immigrants and our minority brothers and sisters.  We 
>>>> share the same oppressors and have much more in common with each other, 
>>>> than with the morally bankrupt upper classes of any race!
>>>> There have been great discussions at the rallies, and in my opinion; its 
>>>> broadly understood among the dis-empowered peoples that these systemic 
>>>> problems are not solved merely by increasing the number of black cops.  
>>>> Yes, they're brought into the same system with the same mission.  There is 
>>>> some good information just published at "The Black Agenda Report" on this, 
>>>> and the example of Newark NJ is a prime example.  (Everyone should follow 
>>>> the Black Agenda Report and Democracy Now on a regular basis)
>>>> Peace and solidarity,
>>>> Glenn   
>>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>>> From: Wilma de Soto 
>>>> Sent: Aug 21, 2014 5:10 PM 
>>>> To: Richard Conrad 
>>>> Cc: Glenn moyer  , "" 
>>>> Subject: Re: [UC] False flag, agent provocateur 
>>>> Have either of you or anyone else ever read, "The Police Mystique", by 
>>>> Anthony Bouza?
>>>> Anthony Bouza was a Chief of Police in Minneapolis for over 25 years.  I 
>>>> believe he teaches a course in Criminal Justice at the Univ. of Chicago.
>>>> Bouza explains very plainly about the role of the Police Force which was 
>>>> extended after Emancipation of Slaves.  Their role was like that of the 
>>>> former Plantation Overseer.  Their jobs were to control Blacks, make them 
>>>> docile and endure any indignities they were made to suffer and the beat 
>>>> the hell out of them, torture and maim them or even worse if they were not 
>>>> compliant.
>>>> After slavery ended the police took on that role.  Many White ethnics such 
>>>> as the Irish who stood low on the class scale in America and the Italians 
>>>> were given that power over a group of people they despised.  The Police 
>>>> are there to protect Whites from Blacks primarily.
>>>> If you read the book, which at one time was difficult to find because it 
>>>> contains so many truths, it will appear very plain to you that they are 
>>>> "just doing their job" as they were trained to do.
>>>> Black police make little difference because if they or anyone else break 
>>>> the "police rules", they will suffer the bitter consequences.
>>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Richard Conrad wrote:
>>>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Glenn moyer <> wrote:
>>>>>> Here is the execution video that caught the Missouri terrorists in 
>>>>>> another round of lies.  (very graphic).  Compare this to the lies the 
>>>>>> terrorists spread before they knew a citizen had filmed the entire 
>>>>>> killing!!
>>>>> The description which I had heard on the news the night before, by a 
>>>>> police officer was that the ‘perpetrator’ had his right arm up over his 
>>>>> head with a knife - in the downward stabbing position - and charged at 
>>>>> the cop (and he raised up his own arm > and totally acted out the 
>>>>> scenario)… 
>>>>> The video shows nothing like that.  
>>>>> One shot in the leg would have apprehended - but instead, 8 or 9 
>>>>> Automatic rounds were used, much like an execution in Vietnam or in 
>>>>> Syria, or like the deliberate putting down of a rabid dog.  
>>>>> More and more cops are becoming increasingly addicted to bullying and 
>>>>> slaughtering American citizens; and they are in massive denial about that.

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