
Reminder that the UC Garden Club plant sale is this Saturday from 10-4 in Clark 

If you pre-ordered and need to pick up or if you just want to -- come by Happy 
Hour at my house Friday after 5 to shop also. (517 Woodland Terr) 


I think you might be interested in the following information and of course 
planting street trees will enhance your property value. 


Good News from UC Green - properties in our boundaries qualify for this FREE 
program (if outside our boundary you may qualify with another neighborhood 
greening group - check the PHS website)

 No limits - so corner properties can get them in the front and on the sides 
both.  UC Green planted 30 trees on April 22 so you may have seen some of them 

If you sign up before May 15 you can get FREE street trees package that 
includes professional arborist assessment of the site, concrete tree pit 
cutting and planting of the trees by UC Green in November 2017.  They can be 
planted about 30’ apart in the treelawn or if you need the concrete sidewalk 
cut that is also free.  If you have a small dead tree or stump you might also 
qualify for FREE removal when you get a new tree.

You have to agree to keep them watered/take care of them for the first year.

Could you please forward this information to your neighbors without trees?

For more information contact Ethan Leatherbarrow at eleatherbar...@ucgreen.org 
or the UCGreen office 215 476 0124


Lauren Leatherbarrow

University City Garden Club 


Here are the links to UC Green and  applications:



Tree Application Deadline Extended!


Thankfully we are going to be able to stretch our deadline to accept Fall tree 
requests until May 15th! 


To download a paper copy: 




To submit online via the PHS Urban Forest Cloud: 




Please feel free to distribute to neighbors and friends, the more the better!

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