So there are apparently some issues with our maven repository at Sonatype syncing to the central repository. Until that is resolved to work on trunk you'll need to do:

svn co
cd resource-aggregator-parent-1.0.1
mvn clean install

This will get the aggregator plugin setup in your local repository cache. Hopefully Sonatype will have the syncing issue addressed soon.


On 9/28/10 1:45 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
I just committed a change in trunk to use a new version of the skin resource aggregation plugin. It now supports importing from other skin.xml files and flagging resources for including in aggregated or plain mode. All of the skin.xml descriptors have been updated to take advantage of these features, moving all of the JavaScript and some of the CSS declarations for the universality skins into a common_skin.xml in the common directory and listing both normal and unminified versions of the resources from the ResourceServer.

Also the "Disable Aggregation" toggle now disables the rendering pipeline and XSL loading caches. So when resource aggregation is disabled changes made in CSS, JavaScript or XSL should be immediately apparent.


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