Sure. We can send you the patches.  
Sandeep, please pullout the upstart patches from the DDTS when you have
the time and send it over.
Kelvin, could you please make sure they get merged into Upstart trunk. 
If there is some other formal process to get our patches into trunk, do
let us know and we will follow it.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelvin Chan
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: I don't see dbus-daemon being started by dbus?

Hi Sarvi,

I am trying to port upstart-0.5.0 to an embedded Linux platform and
encountering this same problem.
wondering you can send us your patchs for the fix and the "systembus"
job script ?

Kelvin Chan


Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) sarvi at 
Tue Sep 23 23:28:11 BST 2008
Previous message: I don't see dbus-daemon being started by dbus?
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Hi Sandeep,
I have made the following fix into upstart to get this work.
Made the following code sengment into a function.

In the event_finished() function, I look for a "started" event for a
special Job called "systembus"
When the systembus job moves into started, I try to connect to the dbus

This means that some one has to define a special upstart job file called
"systembus" which will start the D-Bus daemon. 
And Upstart Iit will try to connect to it when it sees the started event
for that special job.

This works fine and I am able to create a dbus-glib client that is able
to connect and query Upstart through DBus.
Haven;t tested signals yet. Thats next on the list.

Is this approach reasonable. Once I am done can I send this as a patch
over for integration


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