Mugia mitoha kang eddy tiasa damang deui siga sabihara-sabihari...
 -----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Heryadi, Eddy
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 4:13 PM
Subject: [Urang Sunda] neda pidua'na pun bapa teu damang

Tadi enjing - enjing pun bojo nelepon saurna ramana teu damang lebet
rumah sakit di Garut, nembe nelpon deui rada report saurna.

Atuh sim kuring neda pangrojong du'a ti sadayana mugia pun bapa mertua
teh sing didamangkeun deui. 
Eh muhun asana seueur urang Garut di ieu babakan teh, bilih aya anu
kantos kawulang... pun bapa teh kantos janten kepala sakola SMP
Malangbong, SMP Wanaraja sareng SMP Saketi Banten... jenenganna bapa H

Hatur nuhun, baktos 


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