Asa inget tahun 2006 waktu training di Guangzhou, harita teh kabeneran
lebaran haji 
Kuring sholat ied di masjid pang gedena dikota Guangzhou, saencan sholat ied
dimimitian, 2 imam masjid
lempang lalaunan ti gerbang masjid nepi ka pangimbaran bari  takbir jeung
mamawa hio nu di seuneut... 
Hehehe... jadi masing agama Islam oge...angger we kabiasaan nyeungeut hio
mah teu ditinggalkeun.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of H Surtiwa
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] Re: [kisunda] Nyucruk Galur WALISONGO

Leres teh..aya hiji Ustadz Cina Mualf (diajar Islam di banten)..yen lamun
dakwah ka Urang Cina supaya lebet ka Islam.ah omah ..sama sakali ulah
nyirikeun yen Islam teh loba aturan jeung oprosedur...lapur..eta mah...Cenah
ceuk anjeunna kudu sabar..saeutik saeutik...komo mun rada diiming2 aya
kauntungan mah...lancar....lamun neyebutkeun shalat.babacaanna kudu
panjang..surat itu suta ieu..wah...Teras aturan puasa kedah kitu kieu...ulah
waka...anu minim we heula...Cenah...Eta Ustadz (Thoyib Sayfruddin ??) mcenas
ngislamkeun Bapana (babah asli) peryogi waktos 5 taun ! Indungna
..nolak...asup Islam...tapi terus wae ngeureuyeuh..hayang ngislamkeun

On 7/16/08, waluya56 < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote: 

> mh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ceuk balad uing tea, cenah lolobana babah leuwih resep
> milih budha, sabab teu loba ceta cenah budha mah, teu kudu register
> jiga karesten, teu kudu disunatan jiga islam.

Para Babah, saperti umumna urang Asia Wetan, geus kasohor manusa 
pragmatis (pisan). Matak teu aneh milih agama Budha nu jauh leuwih 
longgar dina aturan, tinimbang agama2 samawi ....



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