Atuh uing ge bisa teh ? heheh
Damang neng Roro....

-----Original Message-----
From: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Roro Rohmah
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 10:39 AM
To: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Urang Sunda] Re : Presiden kudu PhD?

Bah, ni teungteuingeun syarat teh kedah S3?....
Hawatos atuwh kanu calon sanes... MERDEKA!!! 
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/06/08 10:02AM >>>

Aya beja cenah salah sahiji partey di Indonesia keur "nyeungceum" calon 
Presiden kurang leuwih ti 300 urang, nu sadayana oge boga gelar PhD alias 
Doctor, gelarna ti luar deuih, lain gelar ti jero nagara. Hebat lah, sigana 
dina jero 20 taun oge Indonesia bakal ngaleuwihan Amerika da rarasaan mah 
Amerika oge Presidenna acan aya nu boga gelar PhD ......



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