

Nyobaan ketak-ketik make basa deungen, geuning hasilna karasa rada aneh...
boh pokeb na...boh gremer na...

Cik, para wargi nu ahli inggeris, panghadeankeun yeuh bahasa inggeris
kuring... :-)


Hatur nuhun... <> 


Gedegan Sisabi

We call it Gedegan.

In my village, when I was a kid, "go to Gedegan" mean "swimming". Perhaps
Gedegan is Sunda language for Bendungan in Indonesian or dike/dam in
English. Village Jati, my village, separated by a river from Uwung village.
That river calls Sabi River or Kali Sabi in Indonesian or we, Sundanese
community around that river, call it Sisabi. That "Gedegan" is in this

Like a lot of other civilizations who live around a river like Nile in
Egypt, Yangtse in China, Eufrat in Iraq, or Gangga in India, Sisabi,
eventhought only in a little part, also create many civilizations of
Sundanese community; village Jati, Uwung, Rawacana.

Almost everyday Jati's children and civilian go to Sisabi. Swimming,
fishing, washing clothes/house equipment, or looking for shrimp. Sisabi
cannot separated from our life. It's part of village Jati's life. Sisabi
surrounding by trees as far as it flow. Sisabi's water is clear, and more
clear in summer. In the midde of summer, when the water debit is decresing,
all people go to Sisabi to catch fish, shrimp, eel and shell.

"Go to Gedegan" mean "swimming" because almost everyday we were swimming in
that river. So if any friend ask us to go to Sisabi, it's mean he ask us to
swim there. All village Jati kids can swim by learn to swim in Sisabi
including me. In the first time, little kid like me when 7 years old, only
allow to swim at border's river with "Gaya Batu" or "Stone style". Our
senior teach us how to be a good swimmer. Than, after a while time step by
step we can swim to middle of Sisabi. Moreover, we can climb a tree than
jump to the river until our foot touch the bottom of river. We call it
"Seblugan", because the sound when we fall from tree to water is "blugg..."
This is my favorite moment when a was a kid.

That is before 1985....

Everything is change when industry come to our village. Factories are build
around Sisabi and throw their waste to Sisabi. Moreover, their change Sisabi
from circle form to straight form. All trees and old Sisabi are elliminated.
Than Sisabi change from a little river to only a big drain. Water color
change everyday defend of kind of material waste color. There is no fish can
live, no shrimp can find, no shell can enjoy... I'm very sad, but can do


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