amin... mugia sing enggal damang

-----Original Message-----
From: []on
Behalf Of etom ethom
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 4:44 PM
Subject: Bls: [Urang Sunda] neda piduana

aduh gusti..., mugi-mugi kang Die tiasa damang deui sa bihara-bihari deui,


Dari: roro_rohmah <>
Terkirim: Rabu, 17 Desember, 2008 15:57:27
Topik: Re: [Urang Sunda] neda piduana

Inna lilaahi wa inna ilaihi roojiun.
Hawatos teuing...
Mugia Kang Die Cikiray sing enggal damang sabihara sabihari deui, 
dipaparin kakiatan & kasabaran. Amin.


From: SURENYENK <yudianamist@ ...>
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] neda piduana
To: urangsu...@yahoogro  <>
Date: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008, 11:55 AM

neda piduana kanggo kang die cikiray
margi anjeuna kenging kacilakaan motor
ayeuna teh nuju dirawat di RS Fatmawati jakarta
diagnosa namah geger otak
margi kitu di suhun keun piduana margi saur dokter mah peluang 
kanggo sae deui rada beurat saur nateh
hatur nuhun


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