On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 at 21:31, Paul McClernan via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> >
> > OS X, Windows 95 through Windows 10, Raspberry Pi and "several variations
> > of Unix (I think is just means Linux)".
> >
> > I'm thinking about tinkering with a FreeBSD server and LiveCode server,
> > but I didn't see a "UNIX" version, so I suppose that I have to compile
> it.
> > Have any of you installed LiveCode server on FreeBSD (or Solaris)?
> >
> As others mentioned, this is dated information. However, last I checked
> macOS (or rather the "Darwin" layer of macOS) is POSIX compliant and built
> from BSD UNIX 4.4 & bits of FreeBSD. So, I would not be all that surprised
> if a LiveCode for macOS GUI-less/CLI executable could run on some other
> BSD.
That is not really how this works.

macOS is built on top of old NEXTSTEP and it is POSIX compliant buuuuut
that doesn't mean that LC from mac can work on BSD. MacOS uses the XNU
kernel, its executable file format and shared library file format are
unique and not related at all to anything that a BSD can run.

FreeBSD can run Linux binaries though as can be seen in the FreeBSD


This is done through emulation and I can't vouch for the performance or
correctness of it but, in theory you can install the necessary components
and libraries and then be able to run the Linux version of LC in FreeBSD.

Another option is trying to build from source. To be effective, this would
require knowledge of the FreeBSD ports and packages system besides knowing
enough of LC source and C++ to patch anything needed. I bet they'd love
such a contribution if you have the chops to do it.

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