
I'm trying to print a kind of report, and am weirded out by all the different 
rectangles and widths that are available (printRectangle, printPaperRectangle, 
printPaperSize, printMargins, etc.)

All I want is the printable area, so I can set the width and height of my stack 
to that amount, then print the first card.

It seems that the below lines produce an approximation amount, but it's not 
completely correct. The approach also so weirdly backwards and roundabout! I 
guess my question is, isn't there any way to get the same or a better result 
more easily?

   put item 3 of the printRectangle -  item 1 of the PrintRectangle - item 1 of 
the printMargins - item 3 of the printMargins into myEffectivePrintWidth

   put item 4 of the printRectangle -  item 2 of the PrintRectangle - item 2 of 
the printMargins - item 4 of the printMargins into myEffectivePrintHeight


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