You can certainly install the 3.5 cgi engine on on-rev, so a script to check the folder and copy to another server can be run as a cron-job. I don't think libUrl is part of the cgi engine, though I'm pretty sure you could install it with the engine, and "start using" it in your command-line script. Otherwise, curl would probably be the way to go, though there's also the ftp command-line (which I haven't used, so don't know much about).



On 23 Sep 2009, at 23:46, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I think there would be a way to run the rev script from the command line (and hence as a cron job) if you wanted to do that - but I haven't tried that yet (might need to wait for the cgi version of Rev to be on on-Rev).

(Actually - if anyone knows the answer to that, I'd be grateful to hear it

I've just run into the need for this too.
My first thought is to investigate if "curl" can do what we need.
But I too would be grateful for any insights.

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