Thanks Sarah and Andre!

I figured out the % wildcard for SQL but I like Sarah's irev strategy too. I'm attempting to modify what Sarah describes to include a search field on card and a WHERE in the SQL. Having a hard time getting my head around sending the POST to the irev script so that I can search by field in SQL and then returning the data to the stack.

Here's where I'm at:

--On the card-
on mouseUp
put cd fld "SearchName" into tTeacher
libUrlFormData("name", tTeacher)
post it to url "";
put ""; into tData
put tData into fld "tempdata"

--in the irev file
put $_POST["name"] into tTeacher
( and then everything that Sarah describes below)

My confusion comes from trying to submit two actions to the irev file, a POST of the card field text and the Open&Query of the database. What is the proper way to get the text (POST) included as a WHERE in the irev SQL action?

Hope that made sense.

Thank you!

John Patten

Message: 17
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:56:57 +1000
From: Sarah Reichelt <>
Subject: Re: Connecting Rev stack to On-Rev mySQL DB?
To: How to use Revolution <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

John, it looks like you are trying to access the database from outside
the server.
By default this is not permitted. There is a way to set up access from
outside, but I don;t remember what it is. Search the list archives as
I think it was discussed a few weeks ago.

The more regular way of connecting is via an irev script file on your
on-rev server.
Here is how I do it:

put this script into an irev file, replace all the *******'s with your
own variables, and upload it to your on-rev site.

        put "*********" into tDBname
        put "*********" into tDBuser
        put "*********" into tDBpass

        put revOpenDatabase("mysql", "localhost", tDBname, tDBuser, tDBpass)
into tDBconnection
        if tDBconnection is not a number then put "Error: could not connect
to database!"

        if tDBconnection is a number then
                -- query the database, then close it
                put "********" into tTableName
                put "SELECT * FROM " & tTableName into tSQL
                put revDataFromQuery(tab, cr, tDBconnection, tSQL) into tData
                revCloseDatabase tDBconnection

                put tData
        end if

In your Rev stack, use this script (assuming the irev script file is
called "readDB.irev"):

on mouseUp
  put ""; into tDBdata
  -- now display it
end mouseUp

For further refinements, edit the irev script to take a GET or POST
parameter and apply that in the SELECT statement.

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