This kind of search and replace has been discussed before, about 3 months ago on this list.

Caveats are the definition of a word in Rev vs a programmer's or user's definition.
Commas can be part of a word
   a,word,seen,as,one  two words,
Also be careful of the wordOffset hit rules. It may not be exactly what you think when you consider paragraphs, punctuation, and data tables with delimiters.

There are some other gotchas that need to be rigorously tested.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Peter Brigham MD wrote:

On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:52 AM, David Coker wrote:

Mark wrote:
put "Jones" into word wordOffset("Piper",tContainer) of tContainer

then Michael added:


Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked again

into fld 1
-- use this script
on mouseUp
put wordOffset("Peter",fld 1) into x
put "Jones" into word x of fld 1
end mouseUp

There seems to be an easy consensus, so that's the direction I'll take
my code...
Up until now I have never attempted using the wordOffset function for
the small things I've been building with Rev, so I guess it's time to
work it into my coding routines for the future.

Thank you folks so much for the advice and samples!

Best regards,
David C.

The code above will find and replace the first occurrence of the string. For access to all the occurrences, use this handler:

function offsets str,cntr
 -- returns a comma-delimited list
 -- of all the offsets of str in cntr
 if str is not in cntr then return 0
 put "" into offsetList
 put 0 into startPoint
    put offset(str,cntr,startPoint) into thisOffset
    if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
    add thisOffset to startPoint
    put startPoint & comma after offsetList
 end repeat
 delete last char of offsetList
 return offsetList
end offsets

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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