On May 11, 2010, at 3:27 PM, Douglas wrote:

Hang on, you just happened to throw in that you ALSO want to do processing with the lines that you just asked to be deleted! It seems silly to go through the deletion when you are going to have to go through the whole search over again.

Surely it would have been better to sort the data into separate variables or even arrays rather than deleting in the first place? This would keep the data separate for secondary processing and if referenced in array could also hold references to the original placing in the source file/variable if required.

On 11/05/2010 04:51, David C. wrote:
Then I get to build a second version that keeps the deleted "F" items
in place while removing everything else.

I would use the filter command for speed and programming clarity.

get tMyData
filter IT with "F*"
-- now IT contains all lines starting with "F"
filter tMyData without "F*"
-- now tMyData contains all other lines

repeat for each line L in IT
     process L
     put L & CR after tOutputFLines
end repeat

The reason I would be careful of using arrays is that duplicate lines would be lost since the keys would be identical.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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