Good work.

There is a little trick you might have to use for mounted volumes, vs the main drive.

Convert the Rev path using one of these functions:

revMacFromUnixPath("/usr/bin/stuff") -- returns "usr:bin:stuff"

revUnixFromMacPath("Disk:Folder:") -- returns "/Disk/Folder/"

The list archives has a few posts on this issue, and Ken Ray has tips on his web site.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Jul 16, 2010, at 7:42 AM, Medard wrote:

Medard <> wrote:

I did not write some AS for a time...
and I forgot to replace the slashes with something AS understands ;-)

I thinks it's better now:

on mouseUp
  answer folder "List files in folder:"
  if it is empty then exit mouseup
  replace slash with colon in it -- mandatory!
  put "iMacIntel" before it
-- the name of the Mac, besides the old G5 ;-)
  put it into tfolder
  put "tell Application" && quote & Finder & quote into tcommande
  put cr & "files of folder" && quote & tfolder & quote & "as text"
after tcommande
  put cr & "end tell" after tcommande
  do tcommande as applescript
  get the result
-- no error treatment for now; -- AS places the result... in "the result" variable!
  replace tfolder & colon with cr in it -- some cleaning
  delete line 1 of it
  put it into field ffiles
end mouseUp

Quick and dirty ;-)

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