'tab' is a keyword, but not a command , 'return' is a command in a function and will be a different color

'space' and 'tab' should be the same color, just as 'comma'.

Try the simple 'replace tab with space in var
get the clipboardData["text"]
replace tab with space in IT
set the clipboardData["text"] to IT
       since replaceText is expecting a regEx string.
I think you need to escape the tab char for the string to work

On Aug 7, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

I want to intercept a paste command to replace any tabs or returns in it with spaces so they don't get pasted into a table object. The script below works for returns but not tabs. Notice that color of the word tab is not even the same as the color of the word return. It is like the tab character isn't being recognized.

on pasteKey -- replace returns and tabs with spaces before pasting for attachments description (actually any table)
  if word 2 of the target begins with "revCell-" then
set the clipboardData["text"] to replaceText(the clipboardData["text"],return,space) set the clipboardData["text"] to replaceText(the clipboardData["text"],tab,space)
  end if
end pasteKey

I put this script into a frontscript.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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