For example, one of my students wants to create an array
of bullets for his video game.  For each bullet we need to
know the following:
 - its current availability (already in use, or available)
 - its movement in the x direction if in use
 - its movement in the y direction if in use

We could use three parallel arrays, but it seems cleaner to
use a struct.  Is it possible?

Hi Marty,

The short answer to your question is "no".

Longer answer:

* By "structure", I presume you mean a record variable with multiple fields that can be addressed individually.

* Perhaps your student might consider using properties. Example: a radio button or check box's hilite property already tells you if the button is available (hilite = false) or selected (hilite = true). One could use an existing button property (eg: armed or hilited or disabled) or set a custom property for each bullet.

* You could use 1 array with three items in each value:

put (the hilite of me)&comma&(the loc of me) into bulletArray[bulletNumber]

* How are the bullets moved? If a bullet were to store it's position after each movement, it could calculate x & y movement:

        on bulletMoved
                put the loc of me into newLocation
                get the oldLocation of me
                put (item 1 of newLocation) - (item 1 of it) into xMovement
                put (item 2 of newLocation) - (item 2 of it) into yMovement
                set the oldLocation of me to newLocation
        end bulletMoved


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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