I'm having the same problem as Tom, except that when I click on the download EnSharpen decocder link, what gets downloaded to my desktop is something called transfer.asp --which appears to be an Apple System Profiler document. Double-clicking on it just runs ASP.

I WAS able to hear the audio, so I know it sounds like these tutorials will be valuable to watch. How do we get them to work?

On Mar 8, 2004, at 2:28 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I could not get the codec to work either in QT or in Explorer.

Any ideas?

The asp just downloads to my desktop. I click it and get dreamweaver to open?

I went to the decoder web site and downloaded a package but still no results???


On Mar 8, 2004, at 3:01 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

A while back, my good friend Jerry Daniels started extolling the virtues of the Geometry Manager. Well, I had used it in version 1.1 rather unsuccessfully, and had since surmised "real men doon't use the Geometry Manager" and hand-coded all my resizeStack messages.

So, on Jerry's urging, I decided to spend some time expoloring RR's Geometry Manager. While it isn't perfect, it has come quite a long way! I mentioned how encouraged I was to Kevin at RR and he agreed, saying something about how great the technology is, and how difficult it is to explain. After thinking about it, I decided to create some (non-professional) videos which go step-by-step through the features.

These videos run on both Mac and PC.

I hope some of you find them valuable and begin to use GM in your own projects!




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Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541

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