Thanks, Jacqueline, I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work, but no luck with 2.2.
Have you (or anyone else) tried using Revolution with acgi Dispatcher (
If not, do you know of other good ways of real-time debugging of stacks used for cgi web apps?

On 3/1/04 12:48 AM, Ed Haskell wrote:

In Revolution 1.1 I am able to receive cgi information indirectly from
Apache via a program called acgi diapatcher which sends an  appleevent
to Revolution (and my current stack).  I use the stack as a web
application to generate dynamic htmls. I can run stacks in the
development mode which makes it very easy for debugging.  In Revolution
2 and above the appleevent is passed to Revolution (I think), but I
can't capture it in my stack.  Was this capability taken out of 2.2?
I'm sure there are much more direct ways of doing this, but for now I'd
just like to be able to run 2.2 with my legacy stacks.

It should still work the same way, just as it always has. You need an appleEvent handler to catch the message, of course.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |

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