Hi again, Roger,

On Jul 23, 2005, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 12:10:52 -0400
Subject: Scale an image from an absolute point

I need to scale an image from an absolute point within the image rect.
This point will not be the loc or any of the 4 corners. The image must
stay positioned (locked) by a point where the user clicks during the
scaling routine.

Is the rect of the image going to change, or do you want to zoom the image while maintaining a visible rect at the same size (image needs to be grouped)?

Does anyone have an idea of how to best approach this? I
could calculate the offset from the loc of the image, but this changes as
the image is dragged to be larger/smaller. Any ideas?

I took a shot at an idea I hoped might get you started but I guess I'm not understanding this. For example, I don't get how you are wanting to drag the image to change the size. Is that to change the image rect? See, that will also change the scale, so it's confusing what that is for, if you also expect to scale it another way as well.

IOW, it appears you're presenting several different things going on, and I don't have clear idea what you want to do.

Do you want to enlarge the image by dragging a corner (resizing the rect, which also scales the image), and then zoom further from a point within the new rect while that new rect stays as it was set? How do you want to control the zoom?

I'm sure it can happen, and I've done quite a few things like this, so I thought I could help. Could you step through the process as a user might do it, one thing at a time?

All the best,
Ken N.

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