On quick glance, I don't think hooking up REV to this thing would be that hard.

Looking at this company's broad offerings for OSX and 9, and the fact that they've created software hooks for almost every other programming platform (including HC on OS 9) - They seem open and flexible.

I think that if someone had a project in REV that could use their product that they would be pleased as hell and would probably bend over backwards to help develop the needed externals to use with REV. Then they could add REV to their list of supported. I have a feeling the application-specific code is quite small; this is what is installed on the host machine with their installer:

The installation program "SERVICE USB.pkg" installs the driver, which consists of the following components:

/Library/Frameworks/Service USB Driver.framework Contains Frameworks, which contains all control applications for SERVICE USB.

/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SERVICE USB.osax Contains the AppleScript support.

/Library/Receipts/SERVICE USB.pkg Contains the installation program. The "Receipts" folder gives an overview of the enhancements that have already been installed on the computer.

/Library/StartupItems/SERVICE_USB_FirmwareLoader Ensures that a background process (Daemon) begins, which loads the firmware into the interface if necessary.

I just discovered a USB I/O device in Germany that can be used from Revolution. However, it uses AppleScript to talk to the hardware. It works under OS9 and OSX.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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