On 12 Jun 2007, at 14:38, David Bovill wrote:

Hi Ian can you clarify - I've not read too deep on this:

I'll have a go. ;-)

QuickTime has a set of built-in transitions (*and* a set of built-in filters), going back many years (QT3?). These transitions and filters are available to any app using the QT APIs, and the filters can be seen when exporting movies from QT Pro, exactly the same as the ones in Trevor's external. All of these use the CPU, and the transitions can be pretty rough with large areas and slower CPUs.

Core Image is a totally separate API that leverages the graphics card processor, but QT (in Tiger and above) is able to *play* them. They still aren't QT effects, though.

Basically there are two separate sets of filters and transitions available to Tiger, which cover quite a bit of the same ground.

Hope that helps a bit,

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