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2016-01-08 7:52 GMT+01:00 punter <>:
> My application displays the login page, but cannot login. On the login page, 
> user enters the username and password but on pressing the login button 
> nothing happens.
> We have in our jsp :&nbsp;&lt;s:form id="loginForm" name="loginForm" 
> action="login" namespace="/framework"&gt;
> The struts-framework.xml file has the action defined as 
> follows:&nbsp;&lt;action name="login" 
> class="" method="loginCheck"&gt; 
> &lt;/action&gt;
> In our logs we get the Request start for the action framework/login.action , 
> but no response is obtained thereafter and same is evident from the logs.

Do you use the same result to show form and to submit its result?
Could you post how did you defined results?

> For reference I have included the following to my struts.xml after migrating 
> struts to 2.3.24 :&lt;constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" 
> value="true" /&gt;

Do you use DMI? ie. login!method.action

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