Hello All!


After many successful website deployments using Ibatis, I am for the first
time trying to deploy a Windows Application using Ibatis.  (VB.NET using
Visual Studio 2005)


I'm sure that this is a very simple problem, but I seem to be really stuck.
I can't seem to get the SqlMap.config and providers.config files to be
installed in the correct place for the application to find them at runtime.
My initial attempt was to, as the documentation suggested, put them in the
bin/Debug folder.  This works fine on my development machine but fails with
the "Error: Unable to load file via resource "SqlMap.config" as resource. "
message when I install it on a client machine.  So far, I've been unable to
figure out how to tell Visual Studio to include these files in the correct
location to make them work once installed.


I also tried manually copying the sqlmap.config and providers.config files
to the bin/Debug folder within the publish folder before running setup.exe,
but to no avail.


Has anyone successfully deployed a windows application to client machines
this  way?






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