Implement your own mapper class.

In the InitMapper() method you can configure your DataSource on the
fly as in the example:

--- Mapper.cs -----

using System.Xml;
using IBatisNet.Common.Utilities;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Configuration;

namespace wfConsultaCommon
    public class Mapper
        private static volatile SqlMapper _Mapper = null;

        protected static void Configure(object obj)
            _Mapper = null;

        protected static void InitMapper()
            DomSqlMapBuilder builder = new DomSqlMapBuilder();
            XmlDocument sqlMapConfig =
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataHost"] + ")(PORT = " +
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataPort"] + "))(CONNECT_DATA =
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataOSID"] + ")));User ID=" +
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataUser"] + ";Password=" +
            _Mapper = builder.Configure(sqlMapConfig) as SqlMapper;

        public static SqlMapper Instance()
            if (_Mapper == null)
                lock (typeof(SqlMapper))
                    if (_Mapper == null)
            return _Mapper;

        public static SqlMapper Get()
            return Instance();

        public static void Clear()
            lock (typeof(SqlMapper))
                _Mapper = null;

--- End of Mapper.cs -----

In this case, we mantain the DataHost, DataPort, DataOSID, DataUser
and DataPass in web.config because a thread is changing these values
each half hour.

If you need to pass your own user and pass... then maybe you can use
iBatis with:

Instance(myuser, mypass).Queryfor{...}

--> The Instance() method then pass the user and pass to the
InitMapper(user, pass) method.


2010/3/20 aranja0 <>:
> How can I use my own connection Provider when using iBatis Data Mapper? I
> have to use UserId and Password of the user performing the db operation in
> the ConnectionString? E.g. The following ConnectionString has to be modified
> to insert the userid and password for user performing the db operation.
> Data Source=TEST;Persist Security Info=True;User
> ID={userID};Password={password}
> How can this be handled in iBatis DataMapper?
> --
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Juan Pablo Araya
787 76 034

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